Signing & POS-communication
Would you like to highlight your products or offers in your store? Or would you like to create more overview in the course route? Then Signing and POS (Point of Sales)-communication the solution. Our range consists various types of advertising frames, advertising holders, cross-merchandising products, suspension systems, rolloutcards and shelfstoppers. Of course we think along with you on the best solution for your situation and make an appropiate design where necessary.
Increase turnover by perfect signing
Practice shows that most purchasing decisions take place on the shop floor. Good signing and POS communication ensure that your products get extra attention, so faster impulse purchase is done. Also offers or special (savings)actions are emphasized with good signing and gives your product just that extra look on the shelf.
Practical and highly visible
In designing and developing our signing-products and POS communication materials we think beyond advertising and presentation only. For that reason, our materials are also easy to fix and places by shop staff. The signing-products remain in good condition even after long use. We like to think with you about how to optimize your signing and POS communication in your retail environment.
Different types and sizes
Drawing attention to your product or campaign is possible in different ways. Through the shelf by shelftalkers or advertisementholders or with a ceiling with hanging systems. Also for cross-merchandising, you can count on us. The possibilities are endless. The best way to use signing depends on the entire design of the shop. We will be pleased to advise you from our knowledge and experience about which kind of products best suited to your needs.